
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

about my cooking

I always love to cook since i was a child. I remember that everytime we dont have classes in school i always end up in the kitchen making something out of what is in the ref or what my grandma had bought from the market from the previous day. my Pap would be very furious when he arrived home hungry and the kitchen was such a mess because i am not yet done with my cooking. he hates it when someone is cooking in the house other than himself yet he is my number fan and my my worst critic.

he never had any formal studies about culinary and he told me he just learn to cook out of hobby and necessity. he seldom eat dishes which he doesnt cook and no matter what the occasion was, its a must that he should cook all the dishes. when he is in the kitchen i am there to assist him sometimes. but there were times that we argue specially when i learned some experiences in cooking in school and in the hotel. the only thing that diverse our field in cooking was that he loved to cook exotic foods like, ray, sharks, goats head, cow's testicles, monitor lizard, wild grass and etc. while i love to cook pastries and dessert which he isnt good at all. 

for me cooking is not just an art, not just a hobby but the product of your imagination. the recipe's might be the same, you might follow all the instructions but it would not taste the same and there would be no magic in your dish if you dont put your heart to what you are doing and love what you are cooking. i believe that once you cook, you should pour your emotions and love to it and a magic potion of dish is the outcome. 

we may fail many times and could not achieve the best taste on our first cook but remember that anyone can cook but only the fearless could be great. so give your best. and happy cooking.


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