
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

beef randang

while studying and staying in MSU for almost 7 years there one dish that is my all time favorite. its the beef randang some spell it rendang. i would sacrifice walking for almost an hour just to have a meal of it. 
just a few weeks ago i created my very own version of beef randang and of the 2 kilos of beef, all my classmates couldnt stop and ask for more. they thought they were eating in a malaysian, indonesian and maranao restaurant and i am very proud to share this recipe to you. 

but i warn you you must be very patient as it took almost 2 hours or more to cook this dish but i guarantee its worth the waiting.


1 kilo of tender loin beef
3 cups of coconut milk
2 inch square of turmeric/galangal/ginger
1/2 cup shredded roasted coconut
2 white stalk of lemon grass thinly sliced
a bunch of sibujing (native leeks, with a very nice aromatic smell)
1 tsp of curry powder
1 chopped onion bulb
6 chopped cloves of garlic
1 star anise
1 lime
leaves of lime
small cinamon bark

here's how:
Put the Onions, Garlic, Chillies, Ginger, curry and Water in a food processor and make into a smooth paste.
Dice the meat and mix with half the paste. Set aside.
Put the other half of the paste into a heavy sauce pan and add the coconut milk, chopped lemon grass and lime leaves. Boil without the lid for about 30 min. until mixture is reduced to half. Add the meat mixture and return to boil. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered, stirring regulary, for a further hour till the steak is tender. Serve with boiled rice.

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