
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

ruby mango float

i always make mango float whenever mangoes are in season but i try to put some twist to it and my mama and my friends really love it. give it also a try.

4 ripe mangoes diced
2 cups of red gulaman with strawberry flavor
1 cup all purpose cream
1 cup condense milk
2 cups crushed graham crackers

here is how:
mixed the condense milk and cream until homogeneous. pour some of the mixture in a rectangular container, then add the mangoes and gulaman, put the gulaman and top it with the graham crackers. do this alternately. chill and serve
to make the gulaman; mixed 1 tsp of red gulaman powder to 1 1/2 cup of water and 2 tbsp of sugar. stand aside for 5 minutes then put in low fire until it starts to boil. let it cool and firm. slice.

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